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The Bundoora Approach

Our Bundoora difference is expressed through our PILLARS

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We connect with our local and wider community to ensure students value their place in the world, and understand the potential of their contribution to that world. Students contribute significantly to the decision making process and operation of their school. Our college has a dynamic and dedicated parent and carer community who are integral in making our school even better, and support the Bundoora Difference and
spirit of the College. 


We encourage students to explore entrepreneurial opportunities, links with the wider community and the 21st century notion of ‘anytime,
anywhere’ learning. Students have opportunities to
accelerate their learning, combine their education with real life experience, and turn their pathway dreams into reality.

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Learning is an exciting, lifelong journey, where the challenge is to discover and pursue our passions, which contribute to the greater good. Education is not just about preparing for a changing future, but instead engaging with the world in meaningful ways each day. Young people have a far greater global reach than previous generations and should take advantage of this, to not only benefit themselves, but to benefit others.


We celebrate diversity and difference. Everyone has the
right to a safe place where they are recognised and celebrated for being themselves. Our students are supported by a caring community that champions trust,
respect and inclusiveness.


Age is not a restricting factor in giving young people the
opportunity to display their learning. Our students are not bound by the traditional year level classes - instead, learning is broken down into Entry Year, PACE21 and VCE/VCAL. This vertical offering of subjects gives students choice and provides flexibility in the learning program ensuring that all students are engaged in their learning at their point of interest and challenged at their point of need.


Yes is the default. ‘YES’, unless it takes too much time, too much money, or negatively impacts on someone else. With support and accurate information, students are capable of making appropriate decisions in their own best interests.
Bundoora Secondary College promotes Voice, Choice and
Control in all students. We work together to help our students find and use their voice and we believe students learn best and are better prepared for the challenges of life when they take control and ownership of ‘their choices’.

We work with our young people to embrace an entrepreneurial
(opportunistic) mindset and skills - both valuable and transferable through all aspects of life. This mindset is vital to be able to participate in the rapidly changing world that we live
in, now and in the future.


We measure growth and individual wellbeing, as well as
achievement and excellence across a range of areas not
just literacy and numeracy. This is both an individual and
collective responsibility.


We aim to develop well-rounded graduates with multiple options and strong values to guide their conduct in the school and broader community.  We live by our school values, the five Rs;
Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Relationships and Rigour.


Families and carers are valued members of the school community and play a proactive role in their children’s learning.


PAL is key to our strong sense of community across the school. Students are known and cared for, celebrated for who they are and supported by all members of the community in
their learning.


We each have our own strengths and talents and work best when we are happy and able to follow and explore our passions and interests.


Innovative education model informed by Future School Australia, Big Picture education, Montessori and International Baccalaureate



Discover the Bundoora Difference

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